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The JetPLL™ word

In the United Kingdom:  UK registered trademark number 3265362.

In the European Union:  EU registered trademark number 1409634 (WIPO).

In the United States:  US registered trademark number 5694113.

In China:  CN registered trademark number 1409634 (WIPO).

In other jurisdictions:  Used as an unregistered trademark .

The JetPLL™ logo

In the United Kingdom:  UK registered trademark number 3265798.

In other jurisdictions:  Used as an unregistered trademark.

Trademark usage rules

For the JetPLL™ word

On first use of the JetPLL word in any given document, please make it stand out, preferably by displaying it underlined or in bold type.  In electronic documents you can for-example make the word a hyperlink to the website, like this.. JetPLL™

On first use in particular, you must follow the JetPLL word with a ™ or ® symbol as appropriate, without a space. Use the superscript form where possible, or (TM) or (R) otherwise.

When you use the JetPLL word, make sure you use it as an adjective. It is not a noun or a verb. On first use in particular, make sure it is followed by further words such as ‘clocking technology’, ‘circuit block’, ‘jitter attenuator’ or similar. Because the JetPLL word is an adjective, it cannot be pluralized or used in possessive form.

Preserve the given capitalization of JetPLL, with the ‘J’, ‘P’ and two ‘L’s in upper case, and the ‘e’ and ‘t’ in lower case. Do not allow the word to be divided across lines of text, or to be hyphenated or misspelt.

Avoid using the JetPLL word in any internet advertising keyword, Ad Word, hashtag or other term used to trigger advertising or search engine results. Similarly, avoid using the JetPLL word in any URL, meta tag or other largely-hidden text on a web page.

Do not combine the JetPLL word with other words, symbols or numbers, and do not use it as part of the name of any of your own products.

Do not use the JetPLL word in a way that suggests Sonopsis has somehow sponsored or given particular endorsement to any given product.

Do not use the JetPLL word in the title of a publication, white paper or application note without having first obtained written permission from Sonopsis.

Do not print the JetPLL word onto the casing or the front or back panel of any of your products in any form other than the JetPLL logo.  (See below for JetPLL logo usage rules.)

For the JetPLL™ logo

Do not print the JetPLL logo onto the casing or the front or back panel of any of your products without having first obtained written permission from Sonopsis.

If you are a JetPLL licencee or a customer of a JetPLL licensee, you may use the JetPLL logo where appropriate in you documentation and publicity materials, as long as you comply with these usage rules.  You can download a ZIP file containing SVG and high-resolution PDF versions of the logo here.

The logo shall be in black or a dark colour over a lighter background. The background should be plain but may be mildly graduated. Do not use the logo in negative form, IE in white or a light colour over a darker background.

You may not alter anything about the appearance of the logo except its colour and scale. Do provide some blank space around the logo.. At least one-third of its height on all four sides. The orientation must be straight and ‘horizontal’. The rendering must be such that the logo looks sharp-edged from a typical interaction distance.  You should size the logo to legible but subservient to the brand of your product.  On the casing of your product, the logo must be no less than 8mm high.

Do not use the JetPLL logo in a way that suggests Sonopsis has somehow sponsored or given particular endorsement to any given product.

Do not use the JetPLL logo on the cover of a book, magazine or journal, or on the first page of an article in a magazine or journal, or on any non-documentary merchandise, without having first obtained written permission from Sonopsis.